Happy people perform better. And enjoy their work more. A pleasant working experience is closely linked to opportunities for growth and appreciation, which is way we came up with dONUS!
About dONUS
Looking for a relevant way of flexible remuneration? For a sustainable part of your cafetaria plan? Outsourcing your Learning & Development?
dONUS is as simple as it is genius. Employees receive a personal training credit account, upon which the employee and employer can deposit a training budget.
The employee is given access to an extensive learning platform and determines his/her development path him/herself. The employer is sure of relevant, qualitative trainings. dONUS provides a flawless administration.
30 professional partners
30 professional educational institutes have partnered with dONUS. The result: more than 1,000 learning and coaching opportunities. Lifelong learning becomes tangible and attractive.
Everybody wins with dONUS
Employers need talented, loyal collaborators. Collaborators look for satisfaction and growth opportunities. dONUS contributes to a sustainable win-win situation.
Employees grow from their own talents and interests, and get more career opportunities. Employers get more employable and motivated employees.
With dONUS, you keep evolving in a constantly changing environment.
More information about dONUS in your organisation?
Include dONUS in your cafetaria plan or your total rewards strategy ? Outsource your L&D via dONUS? Or would you like to include your trainings in dONUS?
Don't hesitate to contact us by mail or via www.donus.be.