Develop people - Training

Growing as a Professional

Personal growth - individual

Discover your strengths and get tips on how to do even better!

What are your strong points? What drives and motivates you? What are your most important personality traits?

Through various questionnaires (Scope³©) you discover your competencies and increase your self-insight. In a personal interview we look at the results together and you will receive tips to grow further as a professional.

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About Scope³©

The filling in of Scope³© takes max. 1 hour. You can interrupt in between. During a personal meeting with one of our consultants in our offices we discuss your results (report) and put you on the road to further growth.

Price 715 €

Duration max. 1 hour to fill in the different questionnaires (depending on your speed) + reading your report and a personal feedback/coaching session of 2 hours at our office.


If you're interested, you can subscribe to this training, mail us for more information, or send this training to a friend or colleague who might be interested.