With the current scarcity on the labour market it is more important than ever to attract and retain the right talents. Therefore a clear view on your employees' competencies is crucial, both the already present ones and the ones to be developed.
A merely "favourable" or "unfavourable" advice is no longer sufficient. As a pioneer in assessment centers with 30 years of experience, we understand this better than anyone else.
That is why we are launching a new generation of assessment centers, providing you detailed information on:
This innovative and Quintessence Assessment Algorithm is based on 30 years of experience and thorough scientific research.
The calculated ROI figure helps you to identify more quickly which competencies you can deploy right away, who of your candidates still has a long way to go, who will easily lose interest in their job, how widely deployable your people are, etc.
Think of all these additional possibilities: job crafting, ROI calculations, etc. Everything will become more possible and clearer. Also the participants theirselves will have an even broader vision on their skills, work passion, energy drivers, etc.
Lou Van Beirendonck gives you some additional framing in the following video, of course you're always more than welcome to contact us immediately!
We are happy to give the floor to some of our passionate customers. Discover their testimonials here.