Development centres and development trajectories

Open exchange between participant, assessor and environment

Higher motivation and return within your organisation

Allowing people to completely come to rights in their work environment begins with establishing what they are good at and what drives them. Getting to know and understand them allows us to bundle their strengths, stimulate their ambitions and eliminate their doubts.

Guiding someone's growth is possible in various ways. The end goal? Increase motivation and returns through the deepest fibres of your organisation.

Development center and development trajectory

The assessment and development of competencies goes hand in hand. This is why development trajectories at Quintessence usually start with a development centre. To come out ahead, you need to know where you’re starting from.

During a development centre the participant demonstrates his or her acquired skills. An open and integral exchange between participant, assessor and environment.

We illuminate all relevant drivers based on functioning and growing (being able to, wanting to and being). After every phase, the participant is given extensive feedback. Together we outline a Personal Development Plan. We offer tips, tricks and tools for further development, including, among others, Evolutips©.

The ingredients for a successful development centre

  • Opportunity to measure with simulations of critical situations
  • Personality assessment
  • Competency- and motivation-focused depth interview
  • Career anchors and learning style assessment
  • Self-evaluation
  • Linking discussion with initiation towards PDP
  • Support via Evolutips©
  • If desired, further follow-up and coaching

Tailored development trajectory

Based on your concrete request and in consultation with you, Quintessence will tailor a trajectory from the above options, whether or not supplemented with further guidance.

Our development centres and trajectories can also be directly applied by supervisors from your organisation. If required, we will first provide training. Even a mixed approach, in which our professional consultants and your people are discussion partners and assessors will work well.

Interested in a development center of trajectory?

Feel free to contact us!