A better world

Making every child count

The quintessence of our company is giving people and organizations growth power. We are happy to use our talents for others. Daily at the office, but also for sustainable projects in which we can make a difference with extra pennies, additional hands, some extra fundraising or whatever.

Today the project "ElkKindTelt" has a warm place in our hearts.

Children from underprivileged families often have a much harder time than other children in completing their studies. However, graduating with a diploma is also a vital step towards finding an active role in our society.

The talent of a child growing up in a disadvantaged family is often not seen, not supported and usually the learning tools are not there either. It is not easy to study when there is no place at home where you can do so in silence, or when your head is full of other worries. It is impossible to follow online lessons or complete tasks if you do not have a computer or a decent Internet connection. A student's context appears to be an almost insurmountable bottleneck in his or her chances of getting a diploma.

ArmenTeKort wants to do something about this through the project "ElkKindTelt".

A pilot project in the Koninklijk Atheneum in Antwerp started in September 2020 in cooperation with all education and care partners. It initially concerns a group of 50 pupils of whom we know that a large part will leave school unqualified because the pupil's context makes this almost impossible. Matters that cannot be solved in a traditional classroom alone.

ElkKindTelt therefore focuses on the cognitive aspects, but especially on the contextual support of the student at risk and involves the entire environment (school, family, neighbourhood).

What we learn from this approach will be used to scale up the ElkKindTelt project to other schools and places. As usual, in EKT ArmenTeKort connects the best practices of Flanders and other countries and projects on school drop-outs.

Quintessence believes in this initiative. Every valuable talent should be able to find their way to a job that suits them. This way, we really do something fundamental about poverty and help lay the foundation for happier people with more self-confidence and opportunities.

That is the right of every child. Is it not?

Do you also feel like supporting the EKT project? Great, don’t hesitate to contact them as soon as possible.__